The real-time Economic Calendar covers financial events and indicators from all over the world. It is automatically updated when new data is released. The Real-time Economic Calendar only provides general information, and it is not meant to be a trading guide but gives traders a wider image of important events that might affect the market and cause price movement changes.
Our economic calendar provides a short description of each event, as well as a value for “actual,” “consensus,” and “previous.” The “consensus’ number, expressed either as a percentage or as a currency value, represents the market impact - positive or negative - the event is expected to have. This number affects trading sentiment and behavior leading up to a news event. “Previous” refers to the change recorded after the last news event of this nature, and “actual” tracks the objective price movement that occurs following the event in question.
Finveo calendar also compares current market performance against forecasted values.
Economic calendar focuses on the scheduled releases of economic reports for a given country. Events that are listed on an economic calendar include weekly jobless claims, reports of new home starts, scheduled changes in the interest rate or interest rate signaling, regular reports from the Federal Reserve or other central banks, economic sentiment surveys from specific markets, and hundreds of other types of events. Most of the events listed fall into one of two categories:
- Projections of future financial or economic events
- Reports on recent financial or economic events.
With an easy-to-use calendar at your disposal, you can account for upcoming news and events when planning out trades and looking ahead to possible market movers that may occur. Finveo Economic calendar is widely used by traders that want to think ahead and take a predictive approach to their trading strategy.
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