Please note that there will be changes in futures contract expiry dates, and you can find more details regarding the new expiry dates in the table below:
Old Product | New Product | Description | New Product - First Trade | Old Product - Close Only | Old Product - Last Trade |
USCOF_H | USCOF_K | Coffee | February 6, 10:00 | February 6, 10:00 | February 7, 16:00 |
CRUDE_H | CRUDE_J | Crude Oil | February 13, 10:00 | February 13, 10:00 | February 14, 16:00 |
COPPER_H | COPPER_K | Copper | February 12, 10:00 | February 12, 10:00 | February 13, 16:00 |
ZW_H | ZW_K | Wheat | February 13, 10:00 | February 13, 10:00 | February 14, 16:00 |
SI_H | SI_K | Silver | February 19, 10:00 | February 19, 10:00 | February 20, 16:00 |
NATGAS_H | NATGAS_J | Natural Gas | February 20, 10:00 | February 20, 10:00 | February 21, 16:00 |
BRENT_J | BRENT_K | Brent Oil | February 20, 10:00 | February 20, 10:00 | February 21, 16:00 |
Note: Our server time is represented in GMT+2.
We strongly recommend that our clients consider this information when planning their trading process, as well as adjusting the settings of their trading advisors that can be affected by this update.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.